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We would like to update you on an important and exciting development at Advanz Fidelis Sdn Bhd (AFSB). AFSB has agreed to transfer its intellectual property prosecution and advisory business to Advanz Fidelis IP Sdn Bhd (ADVANZ) which will become part of the QANTM Group after completion of the sale on 1 July 2018. The management and staff of AFSB will join ADVANZ. There is no change to your regular AFSB contact person. Our office location, telephone, and email contacts will also remain unchanged. The same people who looked after your current matters whilst you were represented by AFSB will look after these matters as employees of ADVANZ. You can be assured of the highest level of service excellence and personalised service as the same team of highly motivated and qualified patent, trade mark, industrial design and geographical indications agents, consultants and advisors will continue to provide you with the quality services in Malaysia. From 1 July 2018 ADVANZ will represent you in the matters in which you instructed AFSB on the same terms and conditions (including as to fee estimates) as applied whilst AFSB represented you. If you would like us to provide you with a schedule of the active matters we are currently handling on your behalf, please let us know. If you would like to review ADVANZ’s terms of engagement that sets out our mutual obligations in relation to the matters in which you instruct us, please visit You do not need to confirm your agreement to this proposal – simply continuing to instruct us to act will suffice. Please note that ADVANZ will operate as a separate business to that conducted by Davies Collison Cave Law Pty Ltd and FPA Patent Attorneys Pty Ltd, both of which are also part of the QANTM Group.* You have always been our valuable client, and we thank you for the many opportunities you have given us to be of service. We look forward to your continued support as we embark on a new journey to bring intellectual property services to the next level! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Yours sincerely ADVANZ FIDELIS SDN BHD ADVANZ FIDELIS IP SDN BHD CHUAH JERN ERN Chief Executive Officer

*QANTM Group means: (a) QANTM Intellectual Property Limited (the holding company for the companies listed below); (b) Davies Collison Cave Law Pty Ltd (which acquired the business previously conducted by Davies Collison Cave Law); (c) Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd (which acquired the business previously conducted by Davies Collison Cave Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys); (d) Davies Collison Cave Asia Pte Ltd (which acquired the business previously conducted by Davies Collison Cave LLP); (e) FPA Patent Attorneys Pty Ltd (which acquired the business previously conducted by Freehills Patent Attorneys); (f) QIP Services Pty Ltd; (g) Advanz Fidelis IP Sdn Bhd (which acquired the business previously conducted by Advanz Fidelis Sdn Bhd) and (g) all other related bodies corporate (as that term is defined in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) of the Company from time to time)


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