Pey Shy LIEW
Supervisor - Patent
Pey Shy is a supervisor of the Patents team in DCC Advanz. Prior to her current role as supervisor, she served as the Department Head of the Technical & Operational Efficiency Department at the company, and oversees projects for the improvement of operational efficiency and business growth. She has spent close to 20 years in the intellectual property field, and comes from a background of chemical engineering, having graduated with honours from a Bachelors Engineering (Chemical) degree from the University of Adelaide, Australia. Pey Shy joined the company in its infancy, and has seen it grow to its vibrant self over the course of her time here.
Pey Shy is a Registered Patent, Industrial Designs and Trademark Agent of Malaysia.
Key Skills
As a supervisor to the Patents team, Pey Shy assists the team's Division Heads in overseeing the smooth operations of the department. With her experience in the intellectual property field, she is one of the first go-to person whenever problems and difficulties arises. Together with the Patent team members, Pey Shy is involved in the development of effective communications and workflows, internally and externally.
She is also proficient in carrying out freedom to operate analysis and giving patent invalidation opinions.​ Pey Shy assists in patent work in relation to the field of organic chemistry, biotechnology and polymer technology.​
B.Eng.(Hons) Chemical Engineering, University of Adelaide, Australia
Registered Patent, Industrial Designs and Trademark Agent of Malaysia
Key Areas
Systems analysis
Operational processes
Patent infringement analysis
Freedom to operate searches
Bahasa Malaysia
In her spare time, Pey Shy enjoys reading and watching television. She also spends time outdoors with her dog, jogging, trekking and cycling. Her curiosity also takes her to the online realm, where she regularly seeks out interesting articles and topics of interest to read.