Industrial Designs
About IP / Industrial Design
Industrial designs protect the outlook of your products. It could be a 3-D shape (shape & configuration)
or a 2-D feature (pattern & ornamentation).

Industrial Designs Law in Malaysia
Industrial Designs Act 1996
Industrial Designs Regulations 1999

Why Register your Industrial Design?
Owners of registered industrial designs have exclusive rights to manufacture, sell or license products bearing the registered design.
Industrial Designs in Malaysia
Worldwide Novelty
Design must be new throughout the world
Malaysia utilizes the 13th edition of the Locarno classification
First-to-file System
First person to file the design, owns the design
Term of Protection
25 years from the date of registration, upon renewal every 5 years
Multiple Design System
An application can be for a single design, or can include additional designs under the same application
Industrial Design Registration Process (in Malaysia)
Requirements for Registration
Applicant name, address and nationality
Design author(s) name, address and nationality
Representation of the Article of Design
Locarno Classification (we can assist you in identifying this)
Industrial Design Agent Appointment Form (to be provided)